WOW GUYS DON"T Make things so difficult...With this many Bikes we are going to have a variety of skill levels and riding styles. Some like group rides and others like to grab 3 or 4 people and go riding with no detailed plans. My plan will accommodate all. I am attempting to schedule 3 group rides a day many with the same lunch destination. I am also going to have the owner of American ride maps on site so if captains want to venture off and explore they can assist in helping you plan a route..... I want smaller ride groups for one reason and one reason only SAFETY. That is my Plan unless someone else wants to take over the ride planning and has a desire to lead a 50+ bike caravan through the mountain roads and attempt to find a lunch stop that can accommodate 60 people and get them in and out in less than 2 hours (It is just not realistic). NOW back to the matter at hand we need some ride captains for group rides.
I have organized my share of these events and think I have a pretty good handle on whats needed to ensure we all have a safe and fun time...
BTW the last I heard this was still a free country and everyone attending is free to do whatever, whenever they want. The plans are for the people that want a plan and the solution is very If the plan is not what you want then by all means do what you wish and enjoy the event in your own way......