RAA IV - Dvd Ready


Top Fuel
Dec 7, 2007
Louisville Kentucky
I just reviewed the final DVD my wife put together with the Pics from RAA IV. It is great over 800+ pictures set to some great music over 1 hr long. Now for the hard part getting them produced and shipped out to everyone. Since we have to burn them one at a time it could take a few days to process your order please be patient. We will be shipping on the honor system. All I want is to recover the cost of shipping. I will let you know how to get the money to me in the next couple of days. Please send mailing address to katiecowherd@yahoo.com . Any additional donations you would like to make above and beyond the shipping cost I will split equally and send to Lester & Tony Mac to assist them in recovering cost they incurred during their unfortunate mishap During RAA IV. Special thanks to my wife for getting this together.
Emailed Katie...decided it was probably easier to bring it to MV in aug.....I will just send her the money when she lets me know what the cost is....
Katie and steve,
Thank you guys.
Can't wait to hear/see it:D.
Katie should have my address by now.
Just tell me where to send the cash, or should I just put it toward the beer fund:eek:
Naw, it cost you out of pocket, not even counting the time and effort y'all put into it.
thanks again,
I hope this doesn't sound ungrateful but All State really took good care of us. Paid for the bike, the truck rental,gas and food for the trip home. I'm only I only paid $198 of my $500 deductible plus I've got several parts to sell on E Bay. You could send the money to Tony or stock the beer cooler at RAA5.:D:D:D

How much for the DVD? Is Pay Pal OK.
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I hope this doesn't sound ungrateful but All State really took good care of us. Paid for the bike, the truck rental,gas and food for the trip home. I'm only I only paid $198 of my $500 deductible plus I've got several parts to sell on E Bay. You could send the money to Tony or stock the beer cooler at RAA5.:D:D:D

How much for the DVD? I'll it pay pal if that's ok.

OK, it's settled! All unclaimed funds go to the Fed, cause we're in deep #4it, unless the Fed gets straightened out with its first auditing in its criminal history. A demand of HR1207.

Put me down for a donation towards costs incurred. I'll see you in MV this late summer. thanks for what you both have done.
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