RAA 2022 Spearfish, SD. Fun.

Sunday morning and I'm feeling almost well. Had fever on / off starting last Tuesday evening. No fever since Thursday evening. Light dry cough and slight runny nose. Overall body ache. Been taking some over the counter meds to suppress the symptoms. Been working OK. Taking this cocktail once or twice a day has helped make me more comfortable. The cocktail consists of 1 each of pseudoephedrine, Airborne, Vitamin C, multi vitamin, low dose Aspirin, Excedrin, and Ibuprofen.
My goodness buddy that cocktail of yours is strong enough for ebolia. I sent you one that worked well for my wife and inlaws. I put my new pipes on my Thruxton R the sound good enough to pep you up some. Remember you can't let Steve beat on recovery.
My goodness buddy that cocktail of yours is strong enough for ebolia. I sent you one that worked well for my wife and inlaws. I put my new pipes on my Thruxton R the sound good enough to pep you up some. Remember you can't let Steve beat you on recovery.