R3T risers


Jan 1, 2009
Just thought I'd let you other R3T owners know, I was just on the rivco website and they now have risers for the R3T. They're $170, so it'll be a little while before I get mine. I have too much other stuff to do first. Here's the link, I know a couple of people had inquired as to when/if rivco would make them.

http://www.rivcoproducts.com/products/p ... =17&page=1
Be careful when removing the clutch cable I snapped off my adjuster luckly the Honda shop had plenty of replacement ones
Aussiebikerdave is getting some in, will order a set when the finances allow
This one addition is the one I missed the importance of, ending in sale of bike due to neck and hand neuro symptoms.

If you need it buy it first! Not Last!
I just ordered a set of these for my R3T. The description on the Rivco site says that "some minor re-routing of cables is required." Any one know how minor the rerouting is? Will this rerouting require me to detach and reattach any of the cables?
nico said:
I just ordered a set of these for my R3T. The description on the Rivco site says that "some minor re-routing of cables is required." Any one know how minor the rerouting is? Will this rerouting require me to detach and reattach any of the cables?

You will need to detach the clutch cable at the clutch lever, pull it through the opening in the steering head, reroute to the rear, and reattach.
That doesn't sound too difficult, even for me. I was hoping I wouldn't have to mess with the throttle cables, and it sounds like I won't. Thanks!
I just installed the Rivco risers. PITA for re attaching the clutch cable. Not enough slack. I ended up detaching the cable at the tranny end. I had to fiddle around with it just to get it back together.

The risers went on easy enough. There is a gap on the back side of the clamps. The instructions did mention there would be a gap. Why ?

After riding for a day, I can say they are a welcome improvement. I can sit back (more upright) and my arms and neck don't get sore after half an hour.

The Rivco risers for the R3T are newly developed. I know since a few of us waited many months for them to complete the tooling process.
got a set before my last trip (thanks Aussiebikerdave ) they certainly make a difference to my comfort(5'7")