I took a 200 mile ride yesterday with the distinct purpose of pushing the limits of the gas tank. Previously I'd ridden 181 miles to where the digital gauge told me I was out of gas. When I filled up, however, I only needed 4.5 gallons to fill up the tank. That tells me the gauge isn't completely accurate. I decided to go to the "dark side" of the gauge. I made it 202 miles before arriving home by adding 10 or so miles during my ride before doing a "U" turn & reversing my direction. That 202 came about 15-20 miles beyond "0" miles shown in the tank. Both the digital & analog gauges were pegged.
I think it important to note how far I can roam on a tank of gas. I've done this with every bike I've owned. My last bike, a 2005 BMW R1200RT, could go 370 miles on a 7.1 gallon tank of gas. That's a bunch! The R3T can do about half that distance but I've found I "need" to get off and stretch my legs, hips & arse at about 60 mile intervals.
So far I'm getting 40 mpg on uninterrupted two lane roads where I can stay in 5th gear. I've been riding at 55-60 on the roads to the Pacific Coast because of the traffic flow. I passed a few times and kept it in 5th while just twisting the throttle. What a rush!
200 mile range is plenty no one that I know will go that far with out atleast one stop inbetween I prefer to go half a tank and stop using that as a guage.
Interestingly, my 06 Classic with the xtra power and the top end (I have a standard tune installed) gets 40.55 average MPG on mixed 2 lane and Interstate driving.
I do know that the more you fiddle with the intake and tune, the less mileage you get.
Interestingly, my 06 Classic with the xtra power and the top end (I have a standard tune installed) gets 40.55 average MPG on mixed 2 lane and Interstate driving.
I do know that the more you fiddle with the intake and tune, the less mileage you get.
Since I've already had my initial service and am therefore filled with synthetic oil I'd be curious at my gas mileage at interstate speeds. I get the feeling that this bike "breathes" better at between 65-70 mph. As soon as it stops raining I'll take the Beast out on I84 and let it rip for 100 miles before turning around. That should give me a feel for the "ideal" gas saving speed.
Since I've already had my initial service and am therefore filled with synthetic oil I'd be curious at my gas mileage at interstate speeds. I get the feeling that this bike "breathes" better at between 65-70 mph. As soon as it stops raining I'll take the Beast out on I84 and let it rip for 100 miles before turning around. That should give me a feel for the "ideal" gas saving speed.
I never ride with a heavy hand. On the contrary, I always try to see just how much mileage I can squeeze out of the Rocket. I get a bit of razzing from my friends but I tell them...'If I wanted to go fast, I'd have gotten a 'busa'.
With any motor vehicle, you get the best fuel mileage where the maximum torque is delivered in the RPM range. That point it where the engine is operating at peak efficiency.
Interesting Bob. I took my Rocket out yesterday to test the exact same thing. I managed to get to 142 miles before the fuel light came on. MTE read about 40.
When I did fill up I put in 3.9 gallons. That comes out to 36mpg on mixed interstate (80mph) and secondary roads (60-65mph) and a few full throttle bursts because it's just plain fun !
I consistently get right at 38 mpg. Interesting, my ETE will always start out at around 210, give or take, but will drop pretty quick to around 185 or so, which is what I can go on a tank if I'm to believe the ETE and the fuel guage. This is why I was convinced the tank size is 4.9 gallons. Based on my calculated mileage (miles driven divided by gallons replaced at pump), 38 * 4.9 = 186, which is exactly what my ETE and fuel gauge support. Now I read that most have issues with the fuel gauge and ETE. Well, I've not tried it but if one can really go another 40 miles when the fuel gauge and ETE read empty, then I'll go along with the bike having a 5.9 gallon tank.
p.s. I ride like Flip. I don't catch any lip, however, because almost everyone I ride with is on a Harley.
Bob, its funny you did this experiment because i was planning on doing the same thing once the weather breaks here in Illinois. I was planning on strapping a gas can to my luggage rack so I can run it to empty on the interstate, which is where I do most of my communting.
Nicely done, Il be interested to see how you do on the interstate. This is good news as I will be taking trips w/ some guys that get 200+ per tank. I at least can do 150 b4 I make em stop
I don't know about the Touring but my Classic likes to be short shifted whenever possible. I could get away with 3 speeds instead of 5 but with a taller final ratio. The bike needs a taller numerical ratio or an overdrive (less than 1-1) 5th.
I use 1st, 3rd and 5th most of the time with 2nd and 4th reserved for acceleration purposes.
I was able to get about 195 on a tank before I chickened out.. After the mods and tuning I don't expect to ever see better than 35mpg again.. Still alot better than the "little" Daytona at around 27-32 mpg (It doesn't see a lot of street miles though)