Hey guys, this question goes out to those using the specially formulated tune for our R3T developed by Wayne Tripp (PowerTripp). Does it make any difference in what type of air filter system being used. I currently have a K&N drop in. Does the new RamAir system work well with this tune. I also have D&D slip-ons. Plus, I have TuneECU V1.7.7 I know it's an older version. Does that matter?
Is there a thread that can refresh my memory on uploading a tune with a step by step procedure?
It's been a long time since I uploaded a tune, I'm not sure if I remember! How much of an improvement does this tune make? Thanks -Dan
Hi there cr0ft, I've read the entire 16 pages, but I didn't read anything that addresses the specific questions that I've asked.
1) Does the new RamAir system work well with this tune? Is somebody running this setup?
2) I have TuneECU V1.7.7 I know it's an older version. Does that matter?
3) Is there a thread that can refresh my memory on uploading a tune with a step by step procedure?
If Wayne is behind this tune, you know it's going to be a good one!
Thanks cr0ft -Dan
"I'm not stupid.....just forgetfull!
Hi there cr0ft, I've read the entire 16 pages, but I didn't read anything that addresses the specific questions that I've asked.
1) Does the new RamAir system work well with this tune? Is somebody running this setup?
2) I have TuneECU V1.7.7 I know it's an older version. Does that matter?
3) Is there a thread that can refresh my memory on uploading a tune with a step by step procedure?
Keeping in mind I'm just restating what I've read with highly limited personal expertise:
I think answers were implied in many of the comments, but I have no input on question 1 except that according to the 16-page thread and the man himself, tinkering with the air filtering bit is essentially almost completely pointless unless one first replaces the entire exhaust system to move exhaust out more efficiently. Again according to Wayne, slip-ons have little to no effect because the constriction happens before them. Unfortunately it seems the Jardines (which could do the trick) are no longer available.
With Jardines and an upgraded air intake bit you'd probably need a more bespoke tune which would get you even more power, is what I'd infer from that. With stock pipes, just changing the tune gets on the order of 30+ hp with no other modifications.
As for 2, you can just grab the latest TuneECU online making the question moot. Hit up and grab 2.5.5
Also for 3, there were videos linked in the 16-pager on how to do it, it seems pretty straightforward.
Also, there's a thread over at TriumphRAT that I spotted too that seems to lay it out pretty well I read myself (just ordered a cable yesterday so I can do this on my own R3T)