A few years back when I was breaking in a rifle chambered for .243 Win, I noticed through the spotting scope that there was a wasp crawling around on the target. I had been shooting on a different bull, and I had not dialed the rifle in yet, but I had enough experience with the rifle, load, and conditions that day, that I was able to run the scope up to 14x, hold off by what turned out to be the correct Kentucky Windage, and punch the wasp through the paper at 100 yards.
The rifle had been grouping at about half an inch, but a wasp can hide in a half inch group of .243 holes, so there was some luck involved... good for me, bad for the wasp. I cut the target down and had it laminated. The body shape is punched through the paper, with wings are stuck to the paper, and there are yellow and black debris marks around the hole. This is one of my favorite hunting trophies
