
Nov 11, 2008
Central NY
Anybody got a line on something less expensive?
The service manual from triumph is like $90 ! Little expensive for my taste.
But I like todo my own service and having the schematics and such is great.

I've got the regular manual I could send you but it is not the R3T. Just e-mail me at and I can send it as an attachment.

If that won't help, you may have to spend the $90 for the "bonafide" R3T version.

23 dtg Dubai
24 dtg Home
Thanks Dennis.
Yeah it looks like if I want the detailed workings I will have to pony up the money.
Appreciate the response :cool:

Have you looked on ebay recently? I got mine for a lot less than $90.

The R3T doesn't have its own manual per se. It has a few steps/instructions unique to to the R3T.

At least thats how mine is.
Have you looked on ebay recently? I got mine for a lot less than $90.

The R3T doesn't have its own manual per se. It has a few steps/instructions unique to to the R3T.

At least thats how mine is.
Actually there's a seperate section for many of the procedures on the R3T in the factory manual.. The only real shared parts are the engine and drive train..
Theres only one part number for the service manual that I can find (T3851160).
This covers all rockets apparently.
But as I am writing this I also searched Ebay and found a paper manual for $40.00!!Now thats more like it. Not sure if the hardcover would be any better.

Thanks for the suggestions

Theres only one part number for the service manual that I can find (T3851160).
This covers all rockets apparently.
But as I am writing this I also searched Ebay and found a paper manual for $40.00!!Now thats more like it. Not sure if the hardcover would be any better.

Thanks for the suggestions

Yes, the CURRENT manual from Triumph is for ALL Rockets.. The fleabay one may not cover the R3T and is a direct violation of copyright (if that matters to you)..
Yes, the CURRENT manual from Triumph is for ALL Rockets.. The fleabay one may not cover the R3T and is a direct violation of copyright (if that matters to you)..
Yeah it kind of does. I dont like to infringe on other peoples right to make money.
Im going to dig into this some more and find out. This manual is apparently not a copy of the cd or form the hardcover book.

hers what the front cover looks like. The guy seems reputable. 100% positive feedback, almost 3400 items sold. But the copyright is important to me. Dont get me wrong, Im not righteous and I dont judge other people for the choices they make. I try to be on the up and up. In this case I am not that cash strapped that I couldnt go buy the $90 manual. One of my issues I have maintained is the grossly overcharging of products by companies. This has caused a mess in the US and retailers still are hesitant to drop prices. SO a conuundrum of sorts has developed. Guess me and my conscience has a date!!! :D

The manual pictured looks like it has one of those sliding splines to keep the pages together. It was probably printed in color so it probably looks good as far as the cover goes.

I'd make sure you check with the dealer to make sure you get the R3T manual. I'm inclined to believe that there is a specific manual for that bike. If I ever get one I usually get both versions if available (book and CD).

The one I had on the Triumph is the one that used to be available on this site (maybe it was another site...don't remember...darn that 56th birthday last year. When I get back I'm going to the dealer and pick up the regular manual.

looks like one of the latest, can't see the detail but looks like on the cover is R3 R3C & R3T