R3T Front tire not centered

Michelin Commander ll 130-90-16 (bias) I got 29,000 out of one on 13',so far 13,000 on my 15' and a lot of tread left.
That's a good question. I like what they have to say about the Michelins, but was are the effects of going with a narrower tire? I'd rather go larger if necessary since I'm not really concerned about being too nimble.
I may be wrong but thought a 140 was as low as you can get with the ABS system. Have run Michelin's on the Harley for the last 40,000 miles. Love it. If they made the tire to fit a Rocket Roadster would have bought them yesterday. My opinion of Michelin's Commander Two tires is that it is the best tire ever made for a motorcycle, (87,000 mile on a Fatboy 2010) (27,000 miles on the Rocket X) We ride a bit and know a good tire when we are going down the road.
I have Bridgestone Exedra Max's in stock size, and find them wearing very well, and handling superbly.
when ever I see another R3 in the flesh the first thing I check is the other guys front tyre wear and sure enough if the tyre got couple of thousand miles of wear on its always worn more on the right
my current Metz is looking pretty much done on the right but still got plenty of tread on the left ...camber of the road I guess
I guess the lesson here is : duck metz. And by duck I don't mean duck.

@ThePhoinix I don't know if the 2015 has the same setup as my 2013. On mine when you are putting the front wheel back on for whatever reason, you are supposed to torque the axle then 'center the caliper' buy sliding the right fork in or out then torqueing the pinch bolts on the right lower. (and that is just about all the instructions ya get) It sounds strange but you can move the lower leg by 10mm.

Don't know if it is the same setup on yours. The only other one I have had apart was a 2008 and it was different. If you could post a pic of your right fork lower just around the axle area I might be able to have a better guess if they are the same.

Amazing what you find out from the manual! Mine is a 2013, and when I had the wheel off for re shoeing, I did not consult the manual for reassembly, other than to note the axle torque. I put it back the way it came apart, and everything seems fine. I'll have to look more carefully next time, for as it accumulates miles, something is liable to need adjustment.
Same experience here... I noticed pretty quickly after buying my 2014 R3T (new in '15) that the wheel/tire sits off-center... additionally, whether related or not, mine FRONT ALSO WEARS NOTICEABLY MORE ON RIGHT (driver's right) SIDE. I've always suspected it has to do with the accomodation/adaptation of the ABS front braking system. I'd be curious to inspect some PRE-ABS models of the R3T to see if their front wheel/tire is offset to one side.