Okay! I finally remapped today using the "Power-Tripp-R3T_stock_or_slip-on.hex" map. Which I believe is the one mentioned in the first post.
Now that it is done, it wasn't all that complicated, although I spent about 20 hours or so studying up here and the videos mentioned.
All in all it seems just bit more twitchy past 2000 RPMs. Sure felt the front wheel wanting to raise up after the first stop light shifting into 2nd.
I haven't had a chance to really work it in the upper gears yet. If the weather is okay. I'll take a 50-60 mile trip on the slab and give the ECU a chance to adapt to the upper end.
During the 12 minute tune I noticed the hPa's on the cylinders are a bit off. Cyl 1 530-540, Cyl 2 500-510, Cyl 3 510-520. So I guess my next project is to balance those if i dare. More study! So--- any suggestions on WHAT they should be set at?