R3T derestricting

This started as 20366 but it much modified by me. I doubt that it would be suitable for any other R3T unless it was set up iike mine and the rider wanted what I was wanting. (Just rich enough to prevent popping on decel, and decent torque and horsepower.) I had been running with a dummy O2 sensor, but have reinstated the real one for the MPG's as I can let it run closed loop mode and not get popping.
Uploaded a tune, from Bob, to the R3T (2012) with TORs and Ramair.
No decal popping. Sneezing close to zero now. Removed the O2 sensor.
Bike runs great. Acceleration is very good. Thanx Bob.
Uploaded a tune, from Bob, to the R3T (2012) with TORs and Ramair.
No decal popping. Sneezing close to zero now. Removed the O2 sensor.
Bike runs great. Acceleration is very good. Thanx Bob.

Glad to have helped. I should figure out how to put it in the Tune ECU site so it is more readily available.

A little report after first ride of season:
During the winter months I installed Tune Ecu on my R3T , Installed TORS exhaust that I found on Ebay by pure luck, and in excellent condition. They were off 2009 Touring and fit perfect. Installed a K&N air filter under the seat. Put everything together and I have a new and highly responsive beast. Its day and nite in comparing from the stock setup. A good setup without spending an arm and a leg.
O.k. @Bernard Vinet , that's great news.

Now then, technically, one doesn't install TuneECU -- that is a software tool that allows users to communicate with their ECU, including installing a new air fuel map among other things.

So, perhaps you'll enlighten us what you did with TuneECU that helped your beast come alive.

Congratulations on surviving the winter, and sharing this great news with us.

I used this tune R3T_stock_or_slip-on.hex Since I'm old school and still play around with carburetors playing with the Ecu was frightening to say the least. Old school you make a mistake and you can alway step back a bit, but this not sure what will happen. Well anyway after sitting and reading as much as I could over at least 4 different times. Bought a PC, got the obdc2 plug and went for broke. Actually followed Power-Tripp's instruction, some stuff on Youtube and yes the 12 minute ( whatever it's called ) startup and all was good. I will let you know about the mpg after a couple of tanks of fuel.
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Thanks for the post!! I think I will use that same map on my 2010 touring. I was deciding between that an another, but since you had great results, I'll go with it.
Any idea what map you had in there before?
Thanks for the post!! I think I will use that same map on my 2010 touring. I was deciding between that an another, but since you had great results, I'll go with it.
Any idea what map you had in there before?

I had bought it used and it had been remapped before I got it. The guy did not let me know. So really I don't have something that's factory to compare with. But yes I'm enjoying this.
Okay! I finally remapped today using the "Power-Tripp-R3T_stock_or_slip-on.hex" map. Which I believe is the one mentioned in the first post.
Now that it is done, it wasn't all that complicated, although I spent about 20 hours or so studying up here and the videos mentioned.
All in all it seems just bit more twitchy past 2000 RPMs. Sure felt the front wheel wanting to raise up after the first stop light shifting into 2nd.
I haven't had a chance to really work it in the upper gears yet. If the weather is okay. I'll take a 50-60 mile trip on the slab and give the ECU a chance to adapt to the upper end.
During the 12 minute tune I noticed the hPa's on the cylinders are a bit off. Cyl 1 530-540, Cyl 2 500-510, Cyl 3 510-520. So I guess my next project is to balance those if i dare. More study! So--- any suggestions on WHAT they should be set at?

Glad to hear you remapped your machine ! Do you agree that the difference is close to day and nite or is just me? Wait till you open her up, enjoy the ride!