Hi all,
I've spent about the last week and a bunch of hours reading these forums and the TuneECU site.
Thanks to all on here for the information that comes from first hand experience!
I'm trying to decide on a map for my 2010 R3T.
The only mod I have done is replace the OEM filter under the seat with a K&N.
I run “Clean” Ethanol Free gas (88 Octane) most of the time.
I spend most time riding in the 2500 to 3000 RPM range, except when I pop it up to 90 MPH on a short mile burst.
And if it has anything to do with it, I live at an altitude about 5000 feet above sea level. Probably moot.
Right now I have some maps and my favorite two are one I got from Idaho Red Rocket about two weeks after I bought the bike last spring
And the one on the TuneECU site that it is the one mentioned in the first post by Power-Tripp.
Here is a summary of what each one packs:
"20368 R3T stock or slip-on.hex" (from Idaho Red Rocket)
Rocket III Touring
Aftermarket silencer
Fuel up to E25
Minimum 91 RON (87 RON/MON) fuel
Rev Limit: 7000
Thermo Fan: 98
Speed Adjust: -4.0
Speed Limit: 295.0
"R3T_stock_or_slip-on.hex" (Power-Tripp's on the TuneECU Custom Maps page)
Rocket III Touring
Aftermarket silencer
Fuel up to E25
Minimum 91 RON (87 RON/MON) fuel
Rev Limit: 6500
Thermo Fan: 103
Speed Adjust: -5.1
Speed Limit: 235.0
***Compared to Red Rocket's: Air/Fuel a bit higher, Idle is lower.
And I have one from Sleeves he emailed me that is real hot for triple filters and such. Thanks Sleeves!
A couple of questions:
What speed adjust do I want for stock tires
And how about the secondaries. One map has them at 100% all the time. Sleeves suggested that.
One last question: What is the F-L switch. It stays the same in all maps I have except the one from Sleeves.
I am going to pull the map that is on the bike now and compare it with these. When it warms up a bit outside I will do the switch.
Thanks!! I hope I'm not making this more complicated than I needed.
One more thing, I like to go fast. That's why I had to get a Rocket before I die.