R3T derestricting

how old is your front tire, I had something like this on one of my bikes, as well as a friend with his Goldwing, and it both cases it was related to the front tire, my friends tire had slight cupping, but when you looked really close and followed the tread you could see a slight shift in the tire, mine I was assuming was just a crappy tire, but after we both changed our front tires, the issue went away, and we were able to have to have good speedo needle burying good times. another possibility could be your wheel bearings getting some play in them as well.
that might not be it, but just a thought
Through multiple tires and brands, new and old. Wheel bearings will be next on the list after steering head.
Through multiple tires and brands, new and old. Wheel bearings will be next on the list after steering head.

What you are experiencing sounds more like frame flexing, for want of a better term. Up to a certain year in the Harley Twin Cam era, the FLHs experienced similar symptoms, until the frame was upgraded. That problem was generally reported in the twisties since Harleys don't spend much time in the 120-130 mph range. I can't recall if it was attributed to the frame or the swing arm.

I don't think you'll find that front wheel bearings will be the issue. I lost my front wheel bearings up in northern BC on my way back from northern Yukon and the wobble was distinctly front end. Rear wheel or swing arm bearings?? Not sure if the R3T has swing arm bearings or bushings. A failure there could result to the symptoms you describe.
Awhile back there was a post on this problem. Since our engines are a part of the frame, took advice and loosened engine mounting bolts and followed advice on sequence and method of tightener down the engine mounts. High speed wobble dispersed. I believe it was Warp9 who posted this fix.
No problems in the twisties, strictly a high speed straight line thing.

Only based upon my own experience . . I believe one would exceed all the available lean angle and crash before flexing the Rocket frame in a twisty.
That said, perhaps tis possible a 200+ RWHP Rocket could cause some flex in the swing arm going WFO out of a curve; but I sorta doubt this as likely the rear tire would give way first . . .
Just ruminating . . .

PS: Both times my rear wheel bearings went out, I never experienced any unexpected rear end movement.
Only the OEM rear Metzeler puckered my sphincter a number of times by suddenly and unexpectedly stepping out on me.
No problems in the twisties, strictly a high speed straight line thing.

Didn't mean to suggest that you did. The comment about the Harley issues was only informational and obviously not relevant.

What you described is certainly puzzling, which led me to suggest something in the rear, either swing arm or rear wheel bearings. The Triumph salesman's comments are most interesting, leaving us to wonder if he was just making an uniformed observation or if he knew of a flaw/limitation in the frame design that would manifested itself at high speed.

I had my 07 Classic up to 135 (indicated) and it was solid as a rock. Is the 3t that much different?

Yikes Steve. Both times your rear wheel bearings went out? What the hey is up with that?
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It might be the stock tires on the touring not rated for speed? I found my demo on the r3t to be much softer than my standard, a feature I really appreciated at hwy speed, but I would expect a suspension set up for comfort to have handling limitations.
Hi all,
I've spent about the last week and a bunch of hours reading these forums and the TuneECU site.
Thanks to all on here for the information that comes from first hand experience!

I'm trying to decide on a map for my 2010 R3T.
The only mod I have done is replace the OEM filter under the seat with a K&N.
I run “Clean” Ethanol Free gas (88 Octane) most of the time.
I spend most time riding in the 2500 to 3000 RPM range, except when I pop it up to 90 MPH on a short mile burst.
And if it has anything to do with it, I live at an altitude about 5000 feet above sea level. Probably moot.

Right now I have some maps and my favorite two are one I got from Idaho Red Rocket about two weeks after I bought the bike last spring
And the one on the TuneECU site that it is the one mentioned in the first post by Power-Tripp.

Here is a summary of what each one packs:

"20368 R3T stock or slip-on.hex" (from Idaho Red Rocket)
Rocket III Touring
Aftermarket silencer
Fuel up to E25
Minimum 91 RON (87 RON/MON) fuel

Rev Limit: 7000
Thermo Fan: 98
Speed Adjust: -4.0
Speed Limit: 295.0


"R3T_stock_or_slip-on.hex" (Power-Tripp's on the TuneECU Custom Maps page)
Rocket III Touring
Aftermarket silencer
Fuel up to E25
Minimum 91 RON (87 RON/MON) fuel

Rev Limit: 6500
Thermo Fan: 103
Speed Adjust: -5.1
Speed Limit: 235.0
***Compared to Red Rocket's: Air/Fuel a bit higher, Idle is lower.

And I have one from Sleeves he emailed me that is real hot for triple filters and such. Thanks Sleeves!

A couple of questions:
What speed adjust do I want for stock tires
And how about the secondaries. One map has them at 100% all the time. Sleeves suggested that. .
One last question: What is the F-L switch. It stays the same in all maps I have except the one from Sleeves.

I am going to pull the map that is on the bike now and compare it with these. When it warms up a bit outside I will do the switch.
Thanks!! I hope I'm not making this more complicated than I needed.

One more thing, I like to go fast. That's why I had to get a Rocket before I die.
Hello fellow Rocketeers, LOL. I have read a lot on here, not all but a lot. And wanted to know if anyone here has tried the free tune with Paul Bryant's high flow cross over pipe?
Have seen the cutaway photo of the stock cross over box. That thing is awful! If the tune will work with Paul's pipe seems like it would be more cost effective then slip on mufflers.
The Paul pipe and tune are the only changes I am interested in for my Touring model.