R3T derestricting

ART @IMFASTTOO I asked before -- where do I get it tuned the way you say -- will Carpenter do it -- who does it anywhere in the mid-Atlantic states ?
CARPENTER will set the bike up with his exhaust and retune on the dyno for maximum performance
I have just successfully downloaded the Wayne/Hanso tune onto my 09 but I cannot get the TPS light to go green (it was green before i downloaded the tune).

Does the 12 min tune after I reset the adaptations have to be done on a cold engine?

Think I'm doing everything by the book....any ideas?
Sometime the TPS light on the lower left side of the screen does not come on. Do everything like you should and the 12 Min tune afterwards. No it doesn't matter if the engine is cold when you start. It will be hot when you are done. Go ride the bike after you are done. You will know if it took or not. Most likely it will take.
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If you are having light problems, go to the test tab and double click 'fan test'. If she comes on you linked to the ecu.
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Can t help with the tune question but TORS is the Triumph "off Road" exhaust that you can find in the accessories listing on the triumph web site (Triumph Off Road.....no clue what the S means maybe Silencers? )

Off-Road Accessory Silencers | A9608090 | Triumph Motorcycles
Hello all,
Back at Triumph after 30 years
Bought a 2012 R3T a few weeks ago. It has the Triumph 'not for road use' mufflers and a mapping named 20368 on it.
Nothing else seems te be changed.
Mapping looks a lot like the R3T_stock_or_slip-on mapping.
Is there a better mapping to put on the bike than the one that's on it at this moment?
Kind regards.
Hello Dutch and welcome from Virginia. I have the TORs on my 2014 and Hanso's tune for anti-decelerating popping. I like it better than the tune you mention here. You can find the tune here somewhere.
If you would, go over to the introduce yourself tab and give us an idea about yourself and riding history..
Thanx for the reply Boog.
Been riding HD for the last 30 years. Before that Triumph, BSA and some kawasuki's.

Do you have the name of the tune you're suggesting?
@dutch Yes, it is the tune I run currently. After I got the TORs, the dealer installed the Triumph Tors tune. I could feel a nice improvement but after awhile, a decal popping manifested itself. @HansO worked his magic on the chemistry of the mix and fixed it.