R3T Adjustable Levers??


There was a thread about this last year.
I broke a lever last year and could not find a replacement lever except for stock.
To clarify,, no one makes adjustable levers to fit the Rocket Touring.
Adjustables are easily available for the Roadster and Classic.
For some reason they are different.
I have sent off an e mail to ASV asking them to consider manufacturing levers to fit the Touring and said there may be a demand for them.
If others who own R3T's do the same and shoot off an e mail maybe they will listen.
Just go to their website and click on" contact"
ASV Inventions :: Contact ASV
I also sent an email to these guys, hopefully someone will step up and start making them.

I got an email back from ASV
They want me to take some pictures and a couple measurements of the stock lever.
So I will send that off and see what happens.

I got an email back from ASV
They want me to take some pictures and a couple measurements of the stock lever.
So I will send that off and see what happens.
Mac: Did you ever hear back from ASV on this????
I sent them a fresh email saying there was interest.
Boo. Well... maybe I can grow larger hands-paws?
I bought one of the first R111T,s and have been looking for adjustable levers every since. Maybe if we made a list of those of us who would purchase them we might get someone to build them??
