R3R Wheelie Discussion

Managed to get the front up from a stand still with the wife on the back only about a foot in first and second gear.

Put it back down gently.

Have only had a few small power wheelies in second but just inches off the ground.
I have had the front up thrice. None intentional. The last time with a Car Tyre on the back - and I had that snaking about too. Nope won't be trying that again - not sure what squealed more - tyre or my sphincter.

Since running E-Max rear and a smaller front I find it does quite the opposite. I can really wind the beast on with no worries at all - even in 1st.
My tire sticks on power shifts, but I do have a lot more weight on the bike than you. It is an exciting feeling when you shift to 4th at 150mph and you feel the front end lift. Not high enough to call a wheelie, but the front tire definitely looses contact with the road.
With the Touring, I need a passenger or I just get wheel spin, but I've held the front tire maybe 4", I'm guessing, from 60 mph up to maybe 110, where ever the shift to 3rd is. I always get kidney punches when I do. I smoke the rear tire and fishtail for my buddies sometimes when I leave the local bar, one guy said I bet that scared the **** out of you, but nah, I know my bike.

I made some video a while back that is looking at the forks because I wanted to see how much travel was being used.

It's pretty funny watching them go full extension in every gear.
I actually got air under both tyres at once - OK it was on a bike lift.......

I actually launched mine the first month I had it! Was coming back from a late night movie, passing through the old GM Leeds plant neighborhood about one in the AM. No cars around, so I was hooning it good and proper. Forgot about the mass of train tracks that are on a slightly raised grade - usually there's enough traffic you don't get above 30 or so there. Well... when you hit the hump at 60+, it's full on Dukes of Hazzard time.

Had enough presence of mind to just keep it straight and back off the gas - probably only got a few inches of air, but felt like I'd jumped the Snake river canyon - it came down like a ton of bricks.

Toddled home like the vicar's grandmother, and I swear I heard a faint 'pop' when I broke vacuum seal with the saddle getting off the bike.

Wheelies? On purpose? Hard pass for me, thanks.
I do love a wheelie , but they gonna cost you big money on a Rocket . Dry sump means that when verticle , your starving yer vitals of oil , and hard landings will knock out your head bearings gauranteed . Clutching her up will eventually burn your clutch and throttling her up stands a good chance of eating your output bearings . certainly not worth the collateral damage to me . @Claviger , when I set up my forks , whilst the front wheel is up on a stand , I put a small cable tie around the tubes at the upper most point , then ride hard and measure the distance the ties have been pushed down the tubes . The resulting measurements often tell a story !

Thanks for bring us down to earth, I guess I stick with my power takeoffs and be happy.