R3R DIY Mufflers


Aspiring Student
Jul 25, 2014
Olympia Washington
'21 Z H2, '14 R3R, '02 Daytona 955i
Thinking about ordering two of these and using a mandrel bent 45mm 90 degree on the left side of the bike to mate it. Once fitted I would have them both ceramic coated, including the brackets and clamp. Curious if anyone has tried this before and if so how did it work out?

Goal is more flow, some more noise but not omfgIamdeaf loud, and a "other than stock" look.

If I am off in bad taste territory someone slap me please :eek:

had set of similar mufflers on my Yamy XS650 d years ago seem to remember they were loud, didn't keep em on to long as the local cops gave me a couple of warnings that was back in the late 70's in Canberra. I wasn't to gentle on the throttle then and still ain't, StainTune make a sweet not to loud muffler
Problem is I am doing CES at some point next year and don't want to drop a grand on a temporary setup by doing staintune. Hmm going have to do some measuring.
fair enough but I think you may find them loud, probably better of putting the same amount of money aside so you can get the CES sooner