
Riding Motor Since 1950
Jun 17, 2012
Tacoma, WA
2012 R3R "Kong" - 2011 R3R "YurMama"
I prefer my R3R with a clean rear fender and no pillion seat.
Has anyone come up with a back rest that does NOT require the use of the rear seat?
Thanks for any input,
ponters, (the bloke with the awesome pipes, no?)
Thanks for the poop. It shows a tour model with the solo seat and back rest. Is this the same seat as fits on your Roadster?

An interesting aside, I met Mike Corbin at Sturgis this year. A stand up fellow to be sure. He stood behind and replaced a set of three year old bags that had warped on the lid fitment on my brothers motor. I would buy his stuff - even if spendy. I also saw two R3Rs with the fancy Corbin bags on them at Sturgis. Not my cup o' tea; but, they did look good.

Best Regards,
Thanks mate, yeah I've got The Reband Exhaust system on my baby.

I don't know that the touring version fits. I'll have a look when I'm on my PC tonight. I think the roadster is under the classic from memory.

Awesome gear.

as times go by ... how are the quick release pillion back rests coming along,you promised do you remember!!!! I am growing older and feeble soon to be too old for the beast still no news..
Yep, my Corbin solo has it's own backrest. Check out there site www. Corbin. Com

The solo Corbin seat Ponters is running is an 'aquired taste' as they say. I had my Standard solo on his bike while it was in my captivity ... i found the Corbins seat the proverbial pain in the ass :p having said that Ponters loves it :eek:
Thomas Cat,
I have heard the same from several who have had the Corbin. Don't really mind the stock ass gasket; but, want a back rest without the use of the pillion.
Thanks for the post.
you might want to look at the utopia backrest.
they sell one for a solo seat and it ain't an arm and a leg like corbins stuff.
Good quality too.
A family run operation.
I run the Triumph solo gel rider and gel pillion seat and the Upotia Back Rest fits nicely inbetween them you could also still have there with out the pillionseat, also as said by Skip very reasonable price, it is height and angle adjustable it even allowed me to run Ponters Corbin seat when I tried it out up in Hervey bay I personally liked the corbin seat a tad firm but much better shaped
yeah, most people say my seat is as comfortable as a park bench and i personally thought the same.

truth is on short rides its so much nicer to have something softer that adds a bit to the suspension and general comfort. But every time i ride for longer than 1 hour i get confused why people are complaining about getting stiff when im as fresh as a bell. in the 2500k journey to hbay i never once got uncomfortable.

so for me the corbin is king but many of my mates dont understand why i like it. truth is i love it. no pressure points, no numbness just a bit firmer than id like.