R3 + shortbed = what the hell are you doing?

It's an incredibly sturdy trailer I probably built just for U-Haul. I visited several mega trailer lots in the area and found nothing like in galvanized. One dealer had an open trailer, 6ft-10in x 9 foot for a killer end of model year price so bought it. I was primarily for my sidecar rig but I also mounted a Condor chock quick disconnect base for two wheels.

I've had two enclosed trailers, both by Pace and found them to be of marginal quality but "good enough". To me a box trailer with ramp is the way to go but can be very spendy. If I can find one wide enough to accommodate my hack I'll replace the open trailer.
Well she's home safe. Thanks all for the reply's and advice. I've spent about 2 hours riding the beast in 45 degree weather. Gonna try riding to work tomorrow @ 30 degrees. I just don't want to put it away..


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Well she's home safe. Thanks all for the reply's and advice. I've spent about 2 hours riding the beast in 45 degree weather. Gonna try riding to work tomorrow @ 30 degrees. I just don't want to put it away..

Look'n good!!

I don't ride anymore when it's below freezing. Several years ago I was on the slab (US Rte. 81 central NY State) at night and hit a patch of black ice. Prolly doing 65ish when I went down and seemed like I slid forever LOL. My leathers pretty much saved my worthless hide. But the bike was scraped all to he!! on the right side. Big rig was behind me and saw it all happen. Trucker stopped and helped pull the rear brake lever off the engine, and bend the handlebars back down. Bike and I continued on our journey, but being much much more careful.

Have ya checked out the Aluma MC10?
Recently got one and love it!
VERY One Man convenient!
All that I looked at were close to a $1995 US base price. I found one in Oregon, drove down and bought it for the same price.
I have loaded and transported at least 8 different bikes in the back of my short bed pickup over the last 15 years. I have a well made Black Widow 3 piece folding aluminum ramp that I’ve used every time (38” wide). It has the curved upper section and folds up nicely out of the way when not in use. It makes life easier if you back up to a curb or some slightly elevated terrain (sloped driveway) to load or unload. The key in unloading a large bike (e.g.my 925 lb Gold Wing) is start the engine and use the clutch to control your rate of descent. I used this setup to get my Roadster last year. Compared to the Gold Wing and Harley baggers I transported it was easy-peasy.
I have an enclosed bike trailer dedicated only to motorcycles
Every motorcycle counts
Will pick up and deliver anywhere at a cost reasonable and secure

and how long are your ramps? I found these and I'm trying to figure what's every extra feet is worth:
Black Widow Motorcycle Ramps, 4-Beam Arched - 8' and 9' Long

Guys up in thread said 12 feet ramps but with truck front wheels on the curbs and maybe even on rhino ramps the angles should be less challenging.

Yesterday I was looking for a pic I took of elcanaco offloading his Electra Glide from his pickup out front of my house. I couldn't find it but the image is indelibly imprinted in my memory. I bought my 10 ft Black Widow ramps after seeing his, which I believe are 8 feet. Mine won't stow in the cab of my pickup while his will. I stow mine in the bed alongside the bike. I don't believe the three piece ramps are available from Black Widow anymore.

And 1obull, that is a very nice trailer but I have to be able to accommodate my sidecar rig, which that one will not. I've rented a nice aluminum utility trailer from Tractor Supply here. It is 72 inches wide and barely fits my rig, leaving about 2 inches on either side. The one I bought is powder coated black channel steel with a wood deck.

This is the trailer I bought. $1400, normally $1900. Last one and end of model year
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