Tim, I didn't think you were in a crash I was rather insinuating that you must have accelerated beyond the adhesive capacity of the previous paint and thus ended up with an all white bike. Some times a sarcastic tone does not come through in text. That all white r3 looks awesome! Cheers.
I wasn't offended either way. She did have a previous tank paint job due to my 11/2009 high-side. Read it if you haven't yet, you'll get a kick out of it: Motorcycle Crash Anniversary Repost | Tim Frazier
Looks really good - I was outside dreaming about powder coating some chrome and thought that white would make it look really tight. Then I pull up your post ..... love it!!!! Great job on the paint and the genuine American ingenuity on your paint booth.
I wasn't offended either way. She did have a previous tank paint job due to my 11/2009 high-side. Read it if you haven't yet, you'll get a kick out of it: Motorcycle Crash Anniversary Repost | Tim Frazier
If your not already a writer you should be ! Very entertaining read (considering the bleak subject matter). Glad to hear your back on two wheels again. Fred
If your not already a writer you should be ! Very entertaining read (considering the bleak subject matter). Glad to hear your back on two wheels again. Fred