R3 in Chevrolet Arctic Frost White

Very nice mate . Always thought a white r3 trike would be good for hire to weddings ect one day I might do it too if I can afford another rocket

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Wow that looks sharp! You must have been really laying the throttle to her? Chrome on white is sharp.

No crash...just bored with the original paint scheme and the new saddlebags had to be painted one way or the other, so I decided to do a wholesale change to make her a bit more unique.

Higher quality before and after pics are at Tim Frazier | Zombie Apocalypse Instructor

Tim, I didn't think you were in a crash I was rather insinuating that you must have accelerated beyond the adhesive capacity of the previous paint and thus ended up with an all white bike. Some times a sarcastic tone does not come through in text. That all white r3 looks awesome! Cheers.
sweet... very sweet did you paint it yourself ?

what rear bags are those ?

Yes, painted it myself in a temporary booth made of 2x4s, 6mil plastic sheeting, Gorilla tape and a floor fan exhaust sytem with four ac filters in-n-out.

Bags are Mutazu MU model, painted them at the same time, just did a pre-coat of adhesion promoter since they're plastic.