R3 Custom Short Pipe Exhaust (with Video)

I think it looks cool. Love to do mine that way but leaving at 4 am every morning might upset some folks.
Thanks for the comments.
I work morning and afternoon shifts myself on a rotating roster with 4AM starts. I take the cage for AMs and the R3 when on in the PMs - if the neighbours complain about me coming home at midnight I'll start riding it in the mornings too.

Nice idea about the tool bag - I've been looking at swing-arm bags but they look kinda g@y to me. Was thinking of grinding the brackets off but that might be a no no (frame modification)?.
Looks Bad@ss! I tried the video but got this " The requested media could not be found."
It won’t be long and those pipes will come with a hate speech label attached, I likem, loud pipes save lives, now twist it and wake some body up
Pretty sweet! But I’d hate to be riding behind you on a dirt road lol
Pretty **** sweet looking! Sound mean as hell but I’d hate to be riding behind you on a diet road lol