Quick-detachable windshield for Rocket?


.020 Over
Jun 26, 2006
Perth, WesternAustralia
Doug - I have the smaller Triumph shield fitted permanently to my Rocket, and it looks very unobtrusive and yet very smart and is pretty effective for me (and I am 6'3") on the open road where I ride 99% of the time. What I am saying is that if you cannot find something which detaches easily, you do have a very fine permanent solution available. The larger Triumph shield is rather ugly, incidentally, in my view.
Hey again Doug!

I have the Triumph Roadster shield and it's attached to its mounting hardware (the standard Triumph Front End Fixing Kit) by only two crown nuts on each side so it should be easy to remove in much less than ten minutes.
Windvest is suppose to be quick removal. I have a 18X16 on ordered but they are six weeks backordered from Windvest. :cry: So, I really can't tell you how easy they are to remove........they're spodda be.
New R III Cruiser

The new R III Cruiser has quick release wind screen and bags..

Probably these will be available as routine Triumph accessories.

I can take my fly screen or roadster screen off in about 5 min or less....

you could make it quicker if you notched the two bolt holes but I'd say leave it alone and just spin the bolts