
Riding with Harleys? For gawd sake check your brakes.

I rarely get above 4th gear when riding with road pigs and that barely keeps me a 2K RPM. I can feel the carbon building up but they are making one heluuva racket in front of me HD is perfect for those that have questionable skill as you can crank em up and they won't run out from under you like a Rocket will and they'll make LOTS of noise so folks will notice your bike and cool t shirt. Its perfect for wankers (How's that for a Bloody Colonial?)
Sitting for 3 months??
i have had bikes sitting for a year and nothing goes wrong with them
3 months is nothing!

Hi Jim
I left mine for 6 months or more..due to my Fathers death..i checked all the fluids..
she needed air in both tyres..i always keep her on a life support machine..fired her up
and i let her do the 12min tune..which gave me time to keep an eye on her.
She was fine..i think the worst thing to do when your not using a bike is start it up.
If your not using it leave it alone.
