

Village Idiot
Jan 11, 2011
Antioch Ca
2021 HD RoadGlide
Due to an ankle injury, my beloved Rocket has been sitting for 3 months, My intentions were to service it before riding it again however I have an oppurtunity to to go on a 100+ mile ride tomorrow with some friends ( All Harley owners ) I've put air in the tires, charged the Battery, and checked the oil ( little dirty but level is good) is there anything else I should check before taking her out? this is the first time she has ever sat so long.......
I would check all the fluids, such as coolant, Final Drive and of course the Brake fluid . With the rocket its good to make sure you can STOP!
For giggles, check the handle bar mounts for tightness. I took off one weekend for Kentucky, on the way back at a fuel stop they moved and I about s+++. That is kind of un-nerving even for seasoned citizens. Check exhaust bolts for tightness too, heat shields, flanges, etc. Have a great ride, another electrician on the road is great. Glad to hear you can ride.

glad to know you are now back to riding form
jump on it and go!!!!three months is nothing to worry about I had mine six months without riding and never had a worry thereafter if the fluids are not on your garage floor they are where they are supposed to be go ride!!
Jim - with this heat we've been having, make sure your beer bottles a full!

Were gonna take Highway 1 from Tomales Bay along the coast over to the the Golden gate, There will be plenty of places to stop fill up
I wont be eating any **** oysters though!