Question about your Rocket temperature information on dash

Just been out & checked mine, yep up to 5 bars fairly quickly. Put the scanner on it as well, 5 bars would appear to be 98c - 103c degrees in temp. Fan (my fan anyway) comes on at 103c degrees, runs for maybe 15 seconds and stops because the coolant temp drops to 98c. I did this running the engine on the side stand.
Incidentally, I also checked throttle body balance while I was at it, the 3 of them are exactly the same 520.35. They do vary when throttle is applied but settle back to the same very quickly. Happy as.
that temp reading is 100%, in fact mine does not fluctuate even in hot or cold conditions. My fan is set to kick in at 95 degrees C
4.5 bars while riding and goes to 5 bars when stopped
90F outdoor
Just adding to this thread, I concur with the above. I specifically checked this yesterday while out riding.

The bike will rise to 5 bars sitting idling, drop back to 4½ bars at highway speed. If I stop & idle after highway riding, it'll rise back up to 5 bars & drop back to 4½ once back on the highway.