Question about Noise while releasing clutch

Ok, so the end of the riding season is here. And the judder did not really go away. Some quick fixes helped a little bit. But never really gone. Always there on a cold engine start…
So I chose to bite the bullet and install new clutchplates…
Taking out the old plates I noticed the anti judder spring had made a deep groove into the steelplate which it is pressed against.
Then looking at the new set and checking the manual “there should not be a groove in any of the plates!!!”.

I’m still working on putting everything together, so did not ride it yet… But I think this has to be the cause of a not functioning anti judder spring.

At the next valve service interval (40K, I think) I'll probably follow suit and replace those plates- hopefully, Barnett makes them now, including stiffer springs.

Also, I continue to have to bleed my clutch every so often. I obviously have a small air leak in the system somewhere. My guess is the banjo bolt at the MC. I'll address that when I get to that point.
What's the part number for the Triumph kit? I don't see it listed. Thanks

Apparently no Barnett Clutch kit in production. :-(
See page 108

I emailed them to see when they might offer a kit for our bikes and will share their response
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these springs fit Rocket
can you measure the clutch wear for us? do you have a caliper?
hey @TheFALCON can you measure the clutch plates for wear and tell us how many miles you rode until you replaced clutch plates here are the specs

can you measure the clutch wear for us? do you have a caliper?

hey @TheFALCON can you measure the clutch plates for wear and tell us how many miles you rode until you replaced clutch plates here are the specs

Plates were all within specs. Bought the bike with 39000 kms, the judder was there since I owned it, but gotten worse gradually.
Changed it with 48000 KMS