I wish that had worked for you- if no bubbles and you're doing it correctly, you must have something else going on. If it were me I wouldn't obsess over it until you get to the 20K service when you can have a look at the clutch to check for wear, etc.
Getting to the bleed nipple at the bottom of the clutch is a royal PIA that, once again, would be best to wait on until the 20K service and then probably only if you need to adjust the valves. In that case you pull the radiator and go deep enough to get to the clutch and that lower bleed screw.
Here's what you're in for if you decide to go for it. I wouldn't want to do all that at 10k miles and then return to it in another 10K to check (and possibly adjust) the valves. This should give you an idea...
I'm almost at 40 K and due to do this same service again and not looking forward to it, despite having done it once before. Hoping this time all valves are in spec, but I'm a bit curious to have a look at the clutch and considering beefier springs and may dive deeper for that reason even if valves are in spec.
Part 1 This includes valve clearance check and shim replacement. Also air, fuel, spark plug and coolant replacement, and bleeding the clutch. This is a work in progress, so edits and further information to come... Get the service manual here...