Question about Noise while releasing clutch

Plates were all within specs. Bought the bike with 39000 kms, the judder was there since I owned it, but gotten worse gradually.
Changed it with 48000 KMS
I saw your facebook post as well Falcon, if I understand correctly, putting new springs fixed clutch judder issue?

I saw your facebook post as well Falcon, if I understand correctly, putting new springs fixed clutch judder issue?

No, the problem is actually in the outer steel plate…
The anti-judder spring (is more like a steel ring in the set) destroyed the outer steel plate.
I've read all the thread responses regarding clutch judder/noises and never saw recommending the proper spec oil. I bought my used
2022GT with 24K miles and noticed a little clutch roughness/noise when engaging. Seemed less so after it got warm. No big deal
since I was learning what noises are "normal" (?) for a bike with 24K miles. When I took possession, I asked the previous owner what
oil he used for oil changes. He told me Mobile One 15w/50. I asked if it was automobile or motorcycle oil. He looked confused and
responded "is there a difference?". He had used automotive oil. I have a Bonneville that has a wet clutch vs my BMW, which has a dry clutch.
The GT manual clearly recommends API SH and "JSO MA" spec. The JSO MA additive(?) is the difference. After a couple hundred miles
of getting use to the bike, I changed the oil using the recommended SPEC (JSO MA) oil and within 10 miles I noticed the clutch was
quieter and smoother when engaging. I'm convinced the proper spec oil is the difference.

Loving the bike the more I ride it.......
My bike is back at the dealer again for that clutch noise/vibration. This time they actually took the clutch apart and said that 2 of the springs were loose and a smaller diameter than the rest. I've had a couple of clutches apart before and that just doesn't sound right. I'll find out more next week.
Loose springs? Yeah, let us know....
Loose springs? Yeah, let us know....
Not only loose but smaller diameter??? Did the guy at the factory grab some that belong to a different bike by accident? I'm going to let the dealer know about @TheFALCON 's discovery regarding the anti-judder spring and associated groove when they open again on Tuesday as well.
Both for sure, but how does a spring get loose? As in, not attached? As you said, "doesn't sound right." Keep us posted
I can't speak towards the clutch issue here, but I'm with you in a way on oils and filters. I always used the recommended Castrol 4T and Triumph filters on my R3T. With my new GT I will only be using the Triumph 2nd Generation - Oil Change Kit – TOCR32500 while it is under warranty and thereafter. Their oil recommendations have changed and I'm certain it's just their way of making more money on their oil, but... "Oil is just oil until it isn't"! If you use specifically what they tell you and start having issues, at least you can take that out of the equation for your troubles. Considering what the bike cost me, I'll just pay the money and buy what they tell me. Especially with a wet clutch...