Question about 05 Rocket TuneECU and D&D pipes


Standard Bore
Aug 3, 2010
New York
I have a 2005 Rocket, it is not the touring model. I removed standard pipes and cat. Installed the D&D pipes and left the baffles in that they came with. I went to Triumph, and they gave me the Triumph tune for modifies exhaust with no cat. The bike runs and idles and pulls very good. I just have an issue with some decel popping. I recently downloaded Tune ecu and acquired the cable from China. I also ordered the O2 eliminator from Dyno Jet.
My question is: do I physically remove the sensor,install the eliminator on the wire, and plug the hole in the exhaust with an M16 oil drain bolt? I guess I will un-check the box in tune ecu and write the map again. Which map do you recommend, and while writing the map do you leave the engine off, ignition on, and pull the headlight fuse. Any comments or suggestions on any maps would be welcomed.

If you uncheck the O2 box in the tune, there's no need to install the PCIII O2 sensor bypass. They both keep the ECU from going into closed loop. The sensor connector needs to be disconnected from cable coming from the ECU in both cases. The reason for physically removing the sensor from the exhaust is that the sensor might get damaged. I've left mine in disconnected and reconnected with no apparent issues. It's not a big job in any case.

As to what tune you should use, Triumph probably put in their tune for TOR/cat delete. 020226, so you would want to load this into TuneECU, set all the secondary table values to 100%, uncheck the O2 sensor, fix the speedometer, up the top speed limit, and load it into the ECU.
Thanks for the information. However, what does that mean, set all the secondary table values to 100% and fix the speedometer? Please be a little more specific, I am not familiar with the Tune ecu software!
Do you have a cat or the delete box on your bike?

I might have something that will work for you.

If you are new to mapping, just plugging away blindly is not a good idea. Do a few searches on the R3 forums for mapping with TuneEdit and TuneECU and you will find some good information on getting started and more advanced mapping.
Thanks I am a little new, but a fast leaner!
The cat has been removed. I have D&D pipes as they come from Texas.
I have the Triumph 020226 map. All is fine except decel popping, I would like to try to reduce it!
same setup

I'm running an 05 with D&D pipes, cat removed and running the 20226 tune. Runs good, and there is some decel popping but on those days that it's bad I just pull in the clutch.
On the edit situation. Apparently the speedometer set is low by 6% I believe, so your not traveling exactly as fast as the speedometer says. On TuneBoy Edit-Tune Constants.
Your secondaries are used to limit power in the lower gears, to help keep the front end down I suppose. Some of us set them all to 100% and just take our chances. I think that is just part of the 20226 map, but you can check by going in TuneBoy and on the map just look for SEC. They are probably already all at 100. Good Luck, Enjoy.