"Quarantined" R3Ts


.020 Over
Apr 5, 2009
South of Boston, MA
Called dealer about the tire recall. Just picked up my bike this past weekend. They found out about the tires Monday. They can't even warantee title my bike until an "official" word drops from triumph on the recall. The other R3T they have on the floor can't be moved until it has a new tire as well, they told me triumph asked them to "quarantine" it. The dealer can't even get my VIN info from the Triumph web-site until the bike meets the tire requirement. Glad I was able to p/u mine before the bulletin, or it would still be in its holding cell! I saw the post from BS on the forum, but anxiously await the word from Triumph...Meanwhile I ride a bike that doesn't exist.
I test rode/bought mine last Sat no issues. Sunday rode it and lost a side panel. Can't be warranteed yet, as the dealer is unable to register me w/ Triumph as the bike owner. (They just found out about the recall Monday)Seems as I will have a small punch list by the time the paper work has been straightened out.
Lots of guys on this site have ridden that tire until worn, Triumph is all of the sudden being proactive. I wish you well on the test ride!! Happy ownership, you will love it!
valk97goose said:
Anyone know if the tire problem effects the Australian market? I talked to the local Triumph dealer and they have not heard about the problem.
The recall I posted was for the USA from our government safety commission... According to a couple of other threads, it appears Triumph is holding shipment of new units to other countries.. It's possible they may step up and replace others when the manditory recall is completed..
Triumph has been informed by Bridgestone Corporation that they are conducting a voluntary safety recall of the Bridgestone Exedra G850 rear tire fitted to Triumph's Rocket III Touring models. The motorcycles affected are from the 2008 and 2009 model years from VIN number 324252 to 406650.


I couldn't find anything on Australia
Triumph website , but you may want to loo around better
yourself !


Re: recall

coneye said:
Yes it does affect Australia , been in to my dealer today they were real helpful , The service manager , had not heard about it and made phone calls while i was there , told me 89 bikes affected in Australia .

Can you give me your dealer's phone number so I can ring them and see if my bike is on there, my dealer said they know nothing about the recall.

You can enter your own VIN # right on the Triumph web-page. It will at least give you confirmation, but may not tell you what the problems are...
Hi coneye

Got the other reply ok...

I contact your guy and Steve was real helpful, looks like mine is also affected. Once Triumph get themselves sorted out the will apparently contact the bike owners and arrange for the type replacement. Could be a few weeks yet though.

I'll keep you informed of progress...

Thanks for the contact info :lol:
Re: recall

Yes, Triumph on the Gold coast are replacing both front and rear tyres on my R3T. they are using Metzelers apparently..tabledrain
That's great new that you are getting you tyres replaced...

Talked to my dealer (Bikebiz at Parramatta) yesterday and they still say they know nothing about the recall, seems strange that some dealers in Aus are informed with one carrying out the replacement and others know nothing about it.

Wonder if Triumph and/or Bridgestone ever read these forums?

Must admit I am starting to get totally peed off about the whole sorry bloody state of things regarding Triumph and their communication process. Also was told a couple of days ago that the R3/R3T's were not put together in Hinckley but rather Tiawan, hope the bugger was wrong.