QLD Meet Up

Cute if you find moustaches attractive ... if i did i'd be dating an Italian chick :p ooops .. there i f#ckin go again with the racial slandering ... probably get another " delete that post " advice :roll:

I can't understand why people think some of us Aussies are racist, I treat all nationalities with the same amount of contempt equally when required.
Mate there was a red one he was also dark side but I think he got lost in traffic, maybe next time he can keep up.:D:D:D

Just a point of useless trivia, I travelled 890km on Friday and Saturday inclusive with the bulk of that ridden on Saturday.:eek:

Yea when Julie and I gave you a wave and took our exit Ithought about you having 350 to 400 k's to get home when we had about 20
Cute if you find moustaches attractive ... if i did i'd be dating an Italian chick :p ooops .. there i f#ckin go again with the racial slandering ... probably get another " delete that post " advice :roll:

Don't tell me 'chick' is another word we should't use......:(
Yea when Julie and I gave you a wave and took our exit Ithought about you having 350 to 400 k's to get home when we had about 20

Got home about 5 past 7, was bloody cold going through Gympie turned testicles into tics tacs & I even reckon that would be boasting.
Don't tell me 'chick' is another word we should't use......

Have you ever noticed if a white person no matter what country they are from say any thing or give an opinion that isn't in line with immigrants whether legal or not we are branded racists.

However if you go to their country we would not get 1% as they get in Australia and if we arrived their illegally we would be jailed or in some cases executed.

Political correctness and the fear of being branded a racist is destroying our way of life.
Your Missus reads this Forum doesn't She ehhh
The one red bike did have one thing going for it. It's Jetmans with the 4 pipes. We had them all yesterday 1pipe, 2 pipe, 3 pipe, 4 pipe it would have been good to get a photo