Putting her on the road!

In Arizona, do not miss the Coronado Trail, Hwy 191 from Morenci to Alpine!
Good-day Spawn
Checking out you tread here & you say you went DS. What I'd like to know is how did you find it? I tried it last season & ended up going back to MC tire. The one thing I releized was that I was not putting enough air. I have a R3T and it was loaded up for road trip & did not like the feel. How much air did you run in it. I'm think of trying it again but asking questions to the people who have loaded up for a road trip & hopefully the same bike as mine.
Cohen I ran D/S on my 13' I ran 32#'s .The more rounded the edge of the tire is the easier.You have to be willing willing effort in leaning and give yourself enough miles to get used to it.
First off sorry for taking this long to respond. I went DS strictly for logistical reasons. I didn't want to wait for the mc tire. I was keeping mine a few psi lower than whats on the tire then added a couple more to compensate for the gear loaded on the back. After that it felt better. Its a balancing act and ypu have to experiment.