Pulled my bike into the garage

That looks very much like one of the bolts from the side of the radiator and is located inside the left or right radiator side cover.

Those are similar but smaller in diameter and shorter.
the key clues here are that you are on an 06 Standard. The radiator shroud bolts are chrome and shorter so that can't be it. The black bolt looks very much like the ones that hold the plastic frame neck covers on (just in front of the tank). I've broken one off so I'm familiar with them.
Not sure what the technical term is, but I just call them bolts. Don't worry, Triumph put a few extras on at the factory...probably won't hurt anything, throw it in your coffee can full of extra bolts sitting on the work bench and just ride on
hmmm... kinda has me stumped at this point. is it possible it might be from back around the rectifier? maybe from the rear brake linkage?
Not sure what the technical term is, but I just call them bolts. Don't worry, Triumph put a few extras on at the factory...probably won't hurt anything, throw it in your coffee can full of extra bolts sitting on the work bench and just ride on
I would.... but the guy I bought it from was a tinkerer. If I bought it right from the shop id have a better feeling about the whole thing, but I bought it (cheaply I might add) with 6k miles already on it.
You know what I reckon might have happened the previous owner may have dropped one of the bolts that hold the plastic covers and it has disappeared inside the radiator shroud and was not able to see it so presumed lost and he replaced it with a new one and it has taken this long to fall out ..... just saying there's a lot of nooks and crannies in there that would love to hold and hide a bolt .... dont ask me how I know ................ Ok I 'll tell you! don't twist my arm, I removed my entire rad shroud and started to remove the radiator looking for a bolt once only to find it sitting in the cover around the fan