Public roads arnt race tracks

He did better than me , i doubt i'd of lasted 30 seconds
I like a Sunday morning blast too,but usually chose the roads suited for it and ones i'm faniliar with. Free will can be a beach...
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He was pushing it right to the limit. You can see the front tire hopping on some of the corners. Just a thimble full of sand, and out she goes. If you're gonna be dumb, ya gotta be tough. Good for him he didn't hurt anyone else.
... what do you reckon all the people he passed had to say to him when they caught up to him lying on the road?

That was my first thought I know I would have just driven past laughing.

To think he wasn't doing anything wrong blows my mind. Imagine being in one if the cars he blew between? Anyone driving one of those being even a little skittish could have panicked and caused a bigger wreck. It's one thing watching a POV video but totally different having this clown scream past out of nowhere.
YES DUMB and DUMBER 2 fckn A Holes
And to quote you from another place, "WELL we change the tires when we go LSR racing but I run the stock Metz on the silverback on the street and have been over 185 mph several times for short spurts I dont like running top end for and extended time".

So, are you as described above?
Effin eejit piss poor rider, bet you two bob he told his mates he had to lay it down no one lays down a bike it is called crashing, the guy on the bike who came along when he was down should have kicked him in the head maybe knock some sense into him.
I hope your not the first bike to come along if I crash.