PSA - TuneECU might have a weakness on 2014+ R3s.

I appreciate the offer. When does weather start getting bad in those parts? Next 4-6 months are going to be pretty busy for me.

We are usually good up here through first week of October.
YIKES! This sounds like what is most likely happening to mine...what was the fix to this?

Have you seen my post about it Claviger? Here is my dyno sheet...Unfortunately the A/F was not working on the dyno that day.

That HP and TQ dip from 2000 to 2400 RPM can be eliminated by closing the secondary throttles to 75% to 80% at that RPM point. I did that to mine and it took that dip right out and made a smooth linier rising line right through that RPM. I would guess it could be worth a try to see if adding fuel at that RPM and leaving the secondary throttles open 100% might work too. I didn't try that when I did my test because I already had 6 hours on the dyno and at $125 an hour I just didn't want to spend any more money.
I agree, but sadly I live in Central Florida and all the Dyno guys I know use DynoJet and have no idea what TuneBoy or TuneECU is. My dealership wants to charge to flash ten TORS tune, which is why I just did it myself.
YES the DYNO does the best job
I agree, but sadly I live in Central Florida and all the Dyno guys I know use DynoJet and have no idea what TuneBoy or TuneECU is. My dealership wants to charge to flash ten TORS tune, which is why I just did it myself.
HOW much to flash a tune ?