Progressive Motorcycle Show at Rosemont (O'hare) this weekend

My apologies to you.
I should never have engaged after being insulted by a dunce.
Shall NOT happen again.
Thats OK, I don't think this thread's going anywhere anyhow The bike show was packed and there were some cool customs but nothing new from triumph.

Fatigue is precisely why I choose not to wear one when I can. I had a wreck in the late 90's with a helmet as we had a helmet law then. It screwed my neck up so bad that now wearing a helmet makes it so stiff I can't turn my head, I would probably quit riding if I had to wear one 24/7. I like to cruise and take it all in stopping frequently to see various things and talking to people. Those high mileage days are in the past for me.
so what you're saying is that the helmet hurt your neck? did the helmet look....If it had so much a scratch on it you could possibly be thankful you had it on...I've lost a couple friends that didn't have one on and died from head injuries...and they had no more than a bump on their heads after the fact...I agree that helmets should be a choice...I choose to wear one..for alot of reasons...

No I am saying violent action during the wreck itself with the weight of the helmet caused the damage to my neck. I wear a full face in the colder months for just because it is cold. After a couple of hours my neck is so sore it requires a full day of ice pack to return to normal.

There was not a single scratch on my helmet during the wreck, it was just extremely heavy, I still have it.
Gangsters don't come out in the cold. and I think an illinois resident can take a gun safety coarse and apply for a conceal and carry permit!
Gangsters don't come out in the cold. and I think an illinois resident can take a gun safety coarse and apply for a conceal and carry permit!

yes, I think he was from Michigan. If a person stays out of the numbered street areas to the south of downtown he/she will probably have no issues.
Yes from Michigan. Illinois will fight that decision all the way, yet they seem to not go after the illegal guns like a few other States. Most shootings are drug and gang related.