Progressive Motorcycle Show at Rosemont (O'hare) this weekend

Add some removable hard bags and Classic Floorboard kit and your ready to take a trip and yet not look like your on a Harley

Yeah you look like one of these that came out in 75 with aftermarket **** added


that's you and that's no everybody. I can do 500-700 miles a day as well but is that the point, no.

If is not comfy for the longer trips and I would be done riding if a helmet was required everywhere. Sheep love to be regulated though.
that's you and that's no everybody. I can do 500-700 miles a day as well but is that the point, no.
If is not comfy for the longer trips and I would be done riding if a helmet was required everywhere. Sheep love to be regulated though.

Are you coming to the RAA X?
Being a sheep, as you call me, I'd love to meet you . . . just to see if you are truly as retarded in real life as you seem to be on this forum.
Are you coming to the RAA X?
Being a sheep, as you call me, I'd love to meet you . . . just to see if you are truly as retarded in real life as you seem to be on this forum.

Ah more insults when you have nothing but programmed responses that the same tires and headgear is the same for everyone. I am not coming but if I were you would probably forget about it at your age. LOL

Hell you can't even pump your own gas or is that Oregon? LOL

You remind me of the Harley crowd that thinks their way is the only way.

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Yessiree! Pretty difficult for one as erudite as yourself to read my location and state from under my avatar . . . I guess.
I be NOT from OR! The misfiring of your synapses is staggering! No wonder Elvis HAS LEFT THE BUILDING!!!
BTW - YOU started throwing the insults, not I.

"The difference between genius and stupidity
is that genius has its limits." Albert Einstein

no it has been you all along because your progressive self does not believe in free speech or the right for an individual to ride and equip themselves and their bikes as they see fit.
Add some removable hard bags and Classic Floorboard kit and your ready to take a trip and yet not look like your on a Harley

Dear Elvis,
I went and re-read this thread in case I missed anything - I did not.
1) You went to a show and stated you didn't want to get off the new Roadster.
2) I questioned, "So you like the Roadster better?"
3) You then reversed and contradicted yourself by calling the Roadster worthless because it had no bags and was not comfortable.
4) I merely said this wasn't true as I ride mine MANY miles and be old. I then referred in general that NOT wearing a helmet or riding a car tire could perhaps cause more fatigue and shorten your riding mileage.
5) You then started hurling insults (called me a sheep) by posting this grammatical wonder - "that's you and that's no everybody. I can do 500-700 miles a day as well but is that the point, no.
If is not comfy for the longer trips and I would be done riding if a helmet was required everywhere. Sheep love to be regulated though."
6) Now you have egregiously and stupidly called me a progressive. How you determined this after my 5,000 plus posts on this forum is at best incredulous!

All I have left to say to you, sir, is that your ignorance indeed has no limits and Einstein was definately speaking of you when he stated,

"The difference between genius and stupidity
is that genius has its limits." Albert Einstein
wow we went from admiring the demonstration bike to...i don't even know what. If I was a larger man I would be riding a 08 R3t I found last summer for a really good price but my a s s don't reach 1/2 way back the stock seat so I ride a standard with leather bags, roadster screen, rivco floorboards, and I managed a 1200 mile strait in less than 20 hrs last june. I think turning that castrol rocket into a mile eater would defeat the purpose tho'.
I bring a helmet for the states that require 1 but usually end up leaving it on, the lack of fatigue it provides and being able to put in earbuds and jam are necessary for me to go that long without rest.