Hi Tripps I had a similar issue twice before, once was the tube to the MAP sensor was slightly backed off and the other was "tracking" (arcing from one of coil#2's HT leads to the cam cover) caused by oxidised spark plug threads in the head, which made it easier for the current to jump from HT lead to earth (cam cover) than across the spark plug gap.
Hard to spot it only in darkness or if you have a keen ear.
Re the Primary TPS vs the Secondary TPS, the sec TPS cable is about 2" longer than the primary TPS cable.
Otherwise, on the outside, they are identical (same plug & body shape etc). Well - pri has blue inside and secondary has black - but we don't see colour lol
They work differently inside though. The primary's internal spring rotates it anti-clockwise, the secondary's spring rotates it clockwise.
This is so as the primary and secondary throttles rotate in opposite directions.
Both range 0-5000 ohms resistance on a multimeter, going from 5000 when turned fully anticlockwise, to 0 ohms when turned fully clockwise.
I wonder if you could use the secondary TPS in place of the primary, but you'd have to pre-rotate the springed inside bit before locking it in it's final position (same procedure for installing it on the secondary thottle)