Thank you, did grease everything! Found this on and wonder if it would work for Triumph? sure looks similar.
Have deal with wife, anything I get for bike, $ for$ goes towards Fluvog shoes for her... That makes everything twice the price but still cheaper than an 'X'.
You better look a little closer, looks can be deceiving, I think the wires a lot longer than that and the brass sticking out isn't supposed to be like that, plus the steps inside the hole are probably different places, and I think the connector block is supposed to be more triangle, besides it says for a ranger 4x4, I don't think the Rocket fits that category , looks to me a lot of retrofitting to make that work, if it will when you're done chopping it up. I bought a whole TB with everything sensors, boots, injectors, complete off a used bike on pinwall for $150, after I found 2 parts that I was trying to find were discontinued, windshield lock and disk/rotor bolt's, got those and more, not the windshield lock, trying to retrofit that. about every sensor on the bike about $350 all together, I just have to hope they work
may have got some air in the injector feed to cause it to stall
if u r looking at tuneecu the values on the bottom r the secondary values and will swing wild.
Hey turbo I guess if he runs it while looking at the tuneECU and just go through the range of the throttle slowly it will tell if the sensor is dropping out on a dead spot right, I mean if the primary TPS stays somewhat even though the range or when it sputters, than the sensors good, and maybe check the fuel pressure/pump/filter/injectors/system and hope it's nothing electrical loose wire or intermittent dirty connection.
But before all that wouldn't you spray starting fluid or carb cleaner around for vacuum leaks, the boots and hose connectors to check for vacuum leak?
Hey turbo I guess if he runs it while looking at the tuneECU and just go through the range of the throttle slowly it will tell if the sensor is dropping out on a dead spot right, I mean if the primary TPS stays somewhat even though the range or when it sputters, than the sensors good, and maybe check the fuel pressure/pump/filter/injectors/system and hope it's nothing electrical loose wire or intermittent dirty connection.
But before all that wouldn't you spray starting fluid or carb cleaner around for vacuum leaks, the boots and hose connectors to check for vacuum leak?
Hey turbo I guess if he runs it while looking at the tuneECU and just go through the range of the throttle slowly it will tell if the sensor is dropping out on a dead spot right, I mean if the primary TPS stays somewhat even though the range or when it sputters, than the sensors good, and maybe check the fuel pressure/pump/filter/injectors/system and hope it's nothing electrical loose wire or intermittent dirty connection.
But before all that wouldn't you spray starting fluid or carb cleaner around for vacuum leaks, the boots and hose connectors to check for vacuum leak?
for what it is worth
i work on the floor removing and repairing/rebuilding transmissions with the front of the vehicle up in the air
occasionally air moves up into the fuel rail and the car will not run or run bad.
one i had to have towed back to the shop.