Pretty parts!

I get to see it close up within a few weeks. Looking very much forward to Elcanaco's visit.

You can just rattle can the back side
You can just rattle can the back side
Pretty much end of story for this year. I put the rear wheel on this morning and wheeled it outside for some shots in the sun. I’m quite happy with both the colour scheme and the airbrush guy’s work. I WILL get the shop to paint the inside of the flyscreen in the candy red at some point. Any of you Canucks looking at this, can you identify the animals I asked the airbrush guy to incorporate into the maple leaf on the rear fender? Next year I’ll get the seat customized and think about boosting the horsepower (like it needs it right)?
Loon,Canada Goose and a moose? Didn’t look like a caribou.Did I win a prize????
Very impressive! Dog doesn't look too impressed though! The airbrush guy has got some skills. The maple leaf looks 3D with the shadowing beneath it.
Loon,Canada Goose and a moose? Didn’t look like a caribou.Did I win a prize????
I’ll buy you a beer if we meet up one day regardless, but you missed the beaver!!!! Right on for the other 3 though. The airbrush guy said he wanted to make the moose a little difficult to distinguish. Maybe the beaver is too?