PowerCommanderV+AutoTune on 2005 Rocket

Hans... If yer send'n out instructions.... send them my way too... especially if there are pictures LOL....
Thanks again for the help
Hans... If yer send'n out instructions.... send them my way too... especially if there are pictures LOL....
Thanks again for the help
My instruction to you is enjoy but if you have any questions feel free to e-mail me, the instructions I was refering to is the same as I have already sent you.

Just a note to All make sure you read all the Blurb they send you, at this stage I have not as yet mucked about with the extra functions but as I do and if I discover something worth while I will surely post it, My next project will as Chris,another recipient of my table has started playing around with different tunes for each gear but to be honest I am happy with the way it is running now with my AFR table but as I said if I develop it more it will be posted. About the only thing I might do is dampen the power abit in the lower gears for riding in slow traffic as it is just a touch to responsive at times.... cagers just don't accelerate as quick as we do, but I am not sure yet whether I can make a different AFR Table for different Gears or whether enabling the Gear sensor part of the PCV + AT will auto matically take care of it.

Please don't be shy with Feed Back- Positive or Negative, only with feed back and exchanging ideas can we make even more improvements

hanso I can't be wrong again I researched the Dictionary it says...

ORACLE..... a
person who delivers authoritative, wise, or highly regarded and influential pronouncements.

Is this not you ?

hanso I can't be wrong again I researched the Dictionary it says...

ORACLE..... a
person who delivers authoritative, wise, or highly regarded and influential pronouncements.

Is this not you ?

Awwwweee .... now you gona make me get all embrased an blush!!!
Thanks for the compliment but that what these forums are All about .... Shareing knowledge and findings
Awwwweee .... now you gona make me get all embrased an blush!!!
Thanks for the compliment but that what these forums are All about .... Shareing knowledge and findings

Whale Oil Beef Hooked... Did I have a win?

Your Welcome..Fair Suck Of The Sav mate!

Hi HansO
What is and where does one get a Auto Tune.
I have a stock R3 2012 Roadster in Australia. Been looking at Paul Bryant Header Exhaust and know I need either K&N or Ram Air upgrade. Looking for the should packs age and Iv I don't need a dyno tune then I don't need to look to hard for a clever workshop in Perth Western Australia. If there is one here to help will someone put me on to them. It may be LLoyd Chapman or JCS
Is there one A/F target table that is optimal for all exhaust and intake configurations?
The A/F table you decide on is more HOW YOU WANT TO RIDE - the A/F then sorts out the "how you want to ride" with "the what you're running with" bit.
I use the MAP/GEAR function. I ride differently in 3rd than in 5th.

Hey HansO just wondering if you still have any maps like this? I have an 04 with viking header open slip on muffler,3 x knN pods with a freshly installed pc5 + autotune. Any help is hugely appreciated
Hey HansO just wondering if you still have any maps like this? I have an 04 with viking header open slip on muffler,3 x knN pods with a freshly installed pc5 + autotune. Any help is hugely appreciated
You've opened an old thread my friend. Hans hasn't been around for a while now.
In the Resources section I found this base map which should be close, then you can let the Auto Tune start doing it's thing.
HansO R3 early models with ramair cat delete and TORS