I would erase all and start again keeping in mind the autotune is always adjusting to your target fuel. You need to except only steady throttle positions or smooth slow throttle increases. To do this, select an rpm range (example: 2000-4000 rpm), run through the selected range without reducing or hammering the throttle. Never let off the throttle within the select range. After two runs, erase all other rpm trim recommendations and save only trims for 2000-4000. Repeat this until you get trim value down to 2 or less, then select another rpm range and repeat. Once done, do not change saved fueling values, and keep autotune on to adjust out small fuel variations. OR get the Dynojet switch and set it up to turn autotune on and off. Doing this allows you to tune any rpm and throttle position at will. ADD the pod 200 and you can set it up to view many engine parameters live ( have mine set to view rpm, fuel ratio, throttle position, and water temp).
I would also change my target fuel value to 13.2. Dynojet recommends it as the safest value for hp/economy.