Hello all!
I'm considering getting a Tbird Storm in a few months, but something on the Triumph website caught my attention the other day... in the UK, the Tbird Storm and the Rocket III Roadster are almost identically priced! So I'm thinking that I would be a fool not to consider getting an R3 instead as it's basically more bike for the same money. Just wondering why you guys went for the Tbird instead of the R3? I know there are slow speed size/weight concerns with the R3, but as I'm about 6'3" and nearing 20 stone, I think I could handle it probably. The way I see it, here are the pros for each one.
Tbird Storm
* Looks better (in my opinion, looks are subjective of course!)
* I imagine it sounds better (I like the deep thud-thud big twin sound)
* Easier to handle in slow traffic I suspect
* Fuel economy
* Insurance probably cheaper (as a new-ish rider living in Central London, my insurance costs will be epic either way!)
Rocket III Roadster
* Mmmmm.... torque
* Long distance comfort
* I imagine it would carry a larger weight... my girlfriend and I, both being extremely, uh, 'cuddly' are probably too big for 2-up riding. But I imagine we'd be closer to achieving it on the R3 (with some suspension upgrades) than we would on the Tbird.
* Lots of loverly torque!!!
I suppose I should test ride both of them, was planning on test riding the Tbird in the next few weeks anyway. My only worry with test riding both of them is that I'll end up picking the Tbird as the more practical choice, but will then be forever haunted by memories of the torque I could have had with the R3!
What do you guys think? Which is the better bike? Should I test both or keep myself living in blissful ignorance of what the R3's torque is like?