Mine used to pop on decel when i had the Triumph Tors and tune in .

Put a tune ecu tune in and it still did it. I cant pin point exactly what cured mine as i got rid of the entire triumph system and put on custom headers and staintune pipes and collector added a power comander v and had her dynoed and she has never popped since.

I would imagine the power commander v and custom dyno tune was what did the trick.


As Richard already stated you have the Dobeck option "which i know nothing about"

or the powercommander V you can either have your bike mapped on the dyno with this unit or you can add a rather Genious little device to it called the Autotune which will follow whatever air fuel ratio you put into it and tune your bike while you ride via a wide band sensor pluged into your exhaust where the factory 02 sensor used to be.

If you go this route Talk to Hanso as he has a great map you can put into your Pcv as a great starting point and then u can let the Auto tune do the rest.


Also if you go this way the dynojet site will suggest that the powercommander 5 is for 2009 bikes and newer and try to direct you to power commander III . Ignore this as i think its just there way of offloading old stock the power commander 5 is fine for older bikes.:cool: good luck mate
