Pommy Git is here

ay pommy, a serious question mate, what made you decide on the rocket? I completely agree with your choice but wondered if there was anything in particular other than its a pommy bike that made you chose it.
I had looked at many cruiser style bikes, poor service from a Yammy dealer, and then no-one had the Kawasaki that I was keen on so after finding out that the R3 was actually in my price range I test rode the Storm first then the R3 and after the test ride the conclusion was that I NEEDED it, N plus one is the rule isn't it?

So that was it, a week later I picked it up.

Bloody good decision, love it.

As for the RDU it's unlikely, (I'm in Melbourne now and it's Chuffing cold) ;-)

Full time job, part time business, 2 kids and the trouble and strife makes it a bit hard for time away.

Cheers all.

Chuffing cold you reckon! It's ***in artic today. I think I might have to start lunch early and finish late so that I can sit in a restaurant and stay warm all arvo.

Catch up soon. Hope you don't freeze to death today.
You should have been in Canberra Yesterday then you know what Cold is Brrrr.....
Every time I go up there this time of year I am reminded why I moved to the Coast
Hi Pommy Git
I'm from the South...South of England that is
Don't give these F*ckers to much info..they hold it against ya


Ray we all love you with all your ' traits' and 'personality disorders' .. just remember you are safe here , no-one is trying to hurt or get you .. ok (f#ckin tripper ) ..hahahahah
Ray we all love you with all your ' traits' and 'personality disorders' .. just remember you are safe here , no-one is trying to hurt or get you .. ok (f#ckin tripper ) ..hahahahah
as long as he doesnt start dancing and singing again
Chuffing cold you reckon! It's ***in artic today. I think I might have to start lunch early and finish late so that I can sit in a restaurant and stay warm all arvo.

Catch up soon. Hope you don't freeze to death today.
Jeez went for a little ride this morning ,she's still warm enough to wear t-shirt .S
Jeez went for a little ride this morning ,she's still warm enough to wear t-shirt .S

I went out yesterday for our usual coffee /lunch run with a mate, coming along the F1 freeway over the Moonie bridge the wind sock on the bridge that is there to warn caravaners of the wind gusts was horizontal and full on ,we were tacking like a sail boat and leaning over to keep straight, I looked left and two cops in a Police HWP car passed us on the inside lane at about 130Kph laughing and the driver gave me the thumbs up ,he must have been a Motorcycle cop leather cap and all, they don't take the bikes out on the freeway on high wind days ,not like us thrill seekers
What the fek???

Has this site turned into an Ozian hangout or what???

A proper New jersey greeting and welcome aboard the board where you'll never be bored, Pommy Git!

Enjoy the ride!