Polished my exhaust

T Evans

Jun 23, 2009
North Central Oklahoma
I finally took the time last night to remove the Jardines and re-pack them. I had felt that they had been getting louder over the last 3 or 4 k miles. Boys was I surprised at what I found.
Last fall I added some chrome exhaust tips to extend the muffler from out under the Corbin Bags. I had to take a grinder to them to remove the tack welds that held them on.
I got the baffels out and was very surprised and pissed because I went to all this trouble for nothing. The baffels were actually in pretty good shape after 15k miles. The left muffler had a small area of fiberglass missing but over all they looked pretty good. So I went ahead and installed the new packing and reinstalled on the bike last night. I didn't start it for fear of blowing out the red silicon sealer that you have to use installing them. The weather has turned off cool and wet today so it will be tommorow before I ride it but I will start this evening when home from work.
There is a guy here in town that has purchase a R3 and he has TOR's on his bike. I really liked the sound of his bike. I wonder how much horse power I would lose by switching and going with Tors and removing the loud Jardines? Does anybody have an ideal?
I did take the time to polish the mufflers while they were off but other than spending about 3 and a half hours doing something that didn't need to be done, I guess I got to shine the mufflers.

Big T
I don't know about the Jardines, they probably have a slight advantage because of the free flow headers. I went from D&D's (one baffle removed) to the TOR's on my standard R3 (three pipes). The sound IS much better and I really like the "stock" look of the pipes over the D&D's leaving one side of the bike naked.
I didn't lose any performance after the change, they flow just as good as the de-baffled D&D's did. Losing the Jardine header might make a very small difference, but nothing sounds as good to me as the Triumph Off Road pipes, perfect comprimise between loudness, looks and performance.
I'll bet you could even find someone here to trade with.