Captain Bob

May 18, 2007
I have an 08 R3T with TORS and underseat K&N. I have downloaded theTORS tune with secondaries at 100%. I would like to go to the next step with pod filters.

My question is, I read somewhere there are pod filters for trhe R3T that do not require removing or modifing the bear claw. Anyone know what these filters are and where they can be obtained?

Secondly, By adding the pods, what else will I need to do to the bike. Should I remove the 02 sensor? and lastly, I understand there is a 02 sensor eliminator, where would I find it?

Appreciate any thoughts and suggestions!
K&N RU-4780's will fit under the claw without modifications. Simply have to turn the last one a little inward to fit. I'm a PCIII guy so I wouldn't know about the tune, Power Commander has an O2 eliminator with the kit and available separately.
There is a thread that lists parts and instructions on installing triple filters, the change I recommend is to only get one small filter for the crankcase vent and install the temp probe into one of the triple K&N's. The only alteration to the bike besides just removing stuff will be the lengthening of the temp probes wiring harness.

There is a sticky thread under the modification forum that has everything you need to do the job. But like I said, the temp probe really does need to be in the airflow.
You can fit the filters without cutting the bearclaw but, the rear filter will get scrunched a bit. You can fashion a spacer bracket to move the rear bayonet mount outward a bit to clear the filter, but it will leave a noticeable gap. The bearclaw and tank are a different shape on the R3T.

You will also need to update your tune. The TORS tune will run too lean. Your choices are Power Commander, Tuneboy or TuneEdit.
Great stuff..... Thanks for the responses. I have a tune boy so if there are any any recommended tunes already modified, I woudl appreciate knowing about them.

I will also look for the "sticky"

Thanks again!
Check the Trading Tunes section. I believe my Tune for D&Ds with Triple K&Ns is in there. It should work equally well for TORS. If not, send me a PM with your email address and I'll send you a copy.
Check the Trading Tunes section. I believe my Tune for D&Ds with Triple K&Ns is in there. It should work equally well for TORS. If not, send me a PM with your email address and I'll send you a copy.


Let me ask you this.... If I just remove the O2 sensor and install the O2 senor eliminator. Would I need to change tunes? Again, I am running an underseat K&N, TORS and TORS tune with secondaries opened 100% via tuneboy.

My understanding of the closed loop system is that it leans out the fuel while riding at sustained speeds. If this is the case, If I do nothing else but eliminate the O2 sensor, and am now running open loop, the engine will not lean out while riding at sustained speeds. Does that sound about right? Or..., am I off track?
No, the tune you're currently running will not supply enough fuel to satisfy the increase in air from the triple K&Ns. You need much more fuel to avoid a lean condition which could damage your engine.

Sorry, I am not being clear. :confused:

I do understand I need to remap if I add the K&N pods.

My question is...., If I do not add the pod filters and stay with my existing configuration of an underseat K&N with TORS on my R3T, but install an O2 eliminator, will I need to change tunes?

Again, My understanding is that the O2 ensor provides the data for the closed loop system. This same system leans out the fuel while riding at sustained speeds.

If this is the case, and I do nothing else but eliminate the O2 sensor, I am assuming that now I will be running "open loop" and the engine will not lean out while riding at sustained speeds. Does that sound about right? Or..., am I off track?
OK, now I get it. Sorry about the slow uptake there.

No, you shouldn't have to change tunes.

You are correct on your understanding of the O2 sensor. Using a Scangauge I've monitored open/closed loop with the O2 sensor in place and with it removed. As soon as you crack the throttle it goes into open loop with the O2 in place.

There are two schools of thought on the O2 eliminator. Many prefer to let the map control the fueling at all times and thus remove the sensor. Some, Wayne at Tuneboy for one say leave it in place since it only has an effect at cruise and thus you'll likely get better gas mileage and since Triumph tunes it to run quite lean at cruise, you won't be risking any damage.

I have heard some say that removing the sensor prevents a quick very lean condition in the transition to full throttle.

I have removed mine.
Thanks for confirming my thoughts Harry. My bike occasionally has a stumble when I blip the throttle. I suspected it is running lean when that happens. I have also noticed the exhaust note gets "sewing machine" quiet when in the lean mode. Grab a handful of throttle a few times when under a load (e.g. going up a hill) and the bike richens itself and the exhaust note gets louder.

O2 sensor is coming off this weekend! :D