Pics of Rosie (my new R3T)


Top Fuel
Jun 28, 2008
Sheridan, AR
2019 Indian Scout Sixty
Some of you were asking for pics so I took some after Rosie got her make-up on.

I also took one of the fender with the seat off and one of the bottom of the seat for Molinoman.

She may have a little meat on her bones, but I think she's a fine looking gal!
Realy a sharp looking bike. Ahhhh Triumph do they still make those how old is that. anyway...
I love it
The more I look, the more I like the R3T

The pics are just getting me anxious to try one & possibly buy one. She's a beaut!!
personally I like the floorboards, but I can't afford $1000. for the individual pieces and theres no kit out yet.
Black and white huh? Does that white paint slow you down any?
Seriously, beautiful gal you got there, but who stole your other headlight?