
OK, I've got a contact in Sydney, Benetos Nikolaou, who is of Greek heritage and rides 2 Rocket IIIs. He is the guy putting on that bike show in Sydney in a week or so's time that I posted about. I just sent him a message on FB and will wait and see if he can help. Never know your luck.
I too went looking through sites for some info but found nothing.
So I got onto my mate who in turn contacted people he knew etc and the general story is Pete came unstuck on the Oxley trying to stay with some sports bikes. He was mid pack. Just going too quick. Apparently my mate knows the guy who was first on the scene but can't get in touch with him. He also said that he felt like he was opening some sort of can of worms and people were asking him why he wanted contact details etc as the family might not want to be contacted. At that point I asked him to let it go as it's not his role to take flak for me. I'm afraid that's all I can come up with at this point. Sean.

Thank you Sean, better not ask too many more questions and get himself in the bad books. Probably still very raw for some. Thanks again for trying.
Good onya sean

Got to say, I just got a similar feeling relayed to me and to be honest, I often wonder why the phuk i put in any effort to try and do the right thing.

Without getting into who what and why, I seriously cant be phuked any further.

RIP Pete, I tried to be respectful and honour you.
People deal with things differently and that's understandable. Good of you guys to make an effort on behalf of the rest of us. Explains a few things and he will be missed.
I think I will not reopen any wounds for the family as it appears they do not want to know and I respect that.
RIP Pete