I'm open to riding if I'm not working up north. Got 'Shorty' for back up now so don't forget an invite my way.I ride with the IWI Riders, about 200 members of mostly kiwi/ aussie guys n gals, predominately cruisers, Hardleys [ I know] that ride every sunday. Meet at the Canningvale markets sunday from about 9.30am , then head out to where ever we didn't go last time. Real friendly group that has overnite runs and lots of good times.Open to anyone, riding any make or model that has a friendly disposition, no gang sh!t, no attitudes. Average number that turns up is 8 - 15 bikes. Partners welcome. Average age 40's up. Very friendly, happy go lucky bunch....take no notice of the big 150+kg Maori boys, they are big softies lol If im not there, tell them you're a mate of mine. They will see you right.