Performance - diy pipes vs pro's

Quite right Bull, I spent two years developing my Rocket headers (not full time, every day) But for example the Oval to round transition piece at the head has over 500 hours development time in it.
Firstly I had to come up with a design that would work, then I had to make the tooling to produce and machine it.
THEN, I had to make that tooling work. As always a great idea doesn't always progress straight into a workable solution.

Some of the earlier versions

A small number that did not work. 6 Meters of tube went into the initial development, each piece is only about 32mm long, that's about 187 piece's that went into the scrap.

Then there was the development of the tubes, the collector (250 hours) tail pipe etc etc.

Not only all of the above, but it all had to add up to be financially viable, because if it wasn't going to work from a Business perspective, it wasn't going to happen.

All good points, I'm quite sure its more work than it looks and I can just see myself cussing up a storm on a hot summer day knowing I could be RIDING instead of trying to force my will on some stupid pipes. Especially after waiting all winter to ride. I don't know what i was thinking. I'm good now
Here's a question my Jardine exhaust is all scratched up and dull because my wife melted her boots all over my pipes and tried to get it off scratched them and made the top dul.
So I was thinking of re chroming them or ceramic them.
Or I was at motorcycle show and seem some nice Rinehart exhaust what would it sound like if I took off my Jardine exhaust and fitted Riinehart exhaust on? Kept my headers just Change exhaust,Would it sound better?
would it give more performance?
Or any other exhaust fittings I could put on Harley has a few as well that looks cool would it make a difference in sound and performance?
Or am I just better off re finishing my Jardine exhaust?
You know, I was thinking after I posted that photo, .... if I had have had a naked Woman in the back ground when looking through that tube, sure she would be out of focus (as the back ground is) but no one would have noticed that seam
You could always take the photo again and re-post with the naked lovely in the back ground Paul